This afternoon, scrolling through some of my online support groups, two posts in quick succession caught my eye. One woman posted a before-and-after photo, saying the before was "humiliating." Another woman posted that she went to the doctor today and said, when she saw her weight, "Ew, disgusting."
My heart aches. I know what it's like to feel humiliated. I know what it's like to feel disgusting. I know what it's like to feel helpless and hopeless. I want each of us on this weight-loss-surgery journey to be proud of our progress — but more than that, I want us to love ourselves.
I worked hard for years (in therapy, in receiving energy work, on my own) to love myself and my body, no matter its size. Not being happy with my appearance or size or health is one thing; talking down to myself is another. It's a fine line, and one I've certainly crossed, no matter how hard I've tried. But seeing someone feel shame, which is connected to humiliation and disgust, truly makes my heart ache.
So you, reading this, whoever you are — a friend who's never struggled with their weight or someone on this weight-loss-surgery journey — please, try to love yourself. If you can't do it, try sending a little love your way. Imagine how you would treat a loved one, and then treat yourself that way. You deserve it.
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